Coming in March:
“Encounters with the Cosmic Messenger”

Happy Valentine’s Day. And—I’m receiving a present, though it’s coming in mid-March. After a bit of a delay to give me and my wonderful team time to whip it into shape, “Encounters with the Cosmic Messenger,” is on the proverbial truck. I’ve selected these essays from my blog and tour journals spanning almost 20 years, 50 states, and a passel of countries. And because it’s Valentine’s Day, I’ll divulge that one of them is even about Love, in all its guises. Oh, and there’s a tennis racquet-wielding monk, a 103-year-old mentor, the denizens of a small French village who all seem to have a penchant for arguing at lunchtime and romancing by mid-afternoon, a ‘wine-whisperer’ who knows how the land can inform a vintage…to name a few of the remarkable people and places with whom I’ve crossed paths on my neverending search for Beauty, Insight and especially, Wisdom. Along with Love, the only things making any sense these days.
More information coming about public readings, radio appearances, and perhaps an online forum. And of course, how to get your own hard copy or eBook. Stay tuned.
New video: Waltz for Chat-Colat for Solo Guitar, written and performed by Michael DeLalla
I began composing Waltz for Chat-Colat in mid-2022, dedicated to our cat. Her name refers to her coat comprised of its many shades of brown, like a box of fine chocolates. The middle part comprised of improvisational changes is optional—the player may not be an improviser, may prefer the shorter form score, or like a cat, just may not be feeling it that day. The solo score is available from the Buy Music page; a duo arrangement for electric and classical guitars will be ready soon. Enjoy!
Happy July from guitarist/composer Michael DeLalla: Upcoming shows
I’m making my annual cross-country trek to DC, MD, Northern VA and the West Virginia panhandle for a few shows around my favorite guitar workshop, PAVAN. I’ve stopped counting how many years I’ve been part of this magnificent program for high school youth.
Here is the schedule–I hope you can make it to a show.
7/8-19 Stephens City VA: PAVAN Guitar Workshop
I always look forward to working with these extremely talented students. If you’d like to attend a concert showcasing their hard work over two weeks, come to Sherando High School in Stephens City on Friday July 19, 7:00 PM. FREE.
Tue 7/16 Capon Springs WV: Capon Springs and Farms, 7:30 PM
A special setting indeed, one of the most idyllic places I know to play a concert. Click below for more info/directions.
Capon Springs and Farms | All-Inclusive West Virginia Mountain Resort
Fri 7/12 Hagerstown MD: House Concert, 7:30
This is my first stop in Hagerstown in a few years, so I hope to see a lot of my western MD friends. Anita has been hosting concerts at her place a long time. One never knows what special musical guests might show up to sit in for a piece or two. Reservations are needed, space is limited. For reservations, address and other info reply to:
Sat 7/13 Ashburn VA: Minton’s Academy of Music, 4:30 PM
I performed a show here last year and we had a marvelous time. AnnMarie Minton and the staff at Minton’s have been teaching thousands of students on a variety of instruments and styles for over 25 years. I’m so pleased to be gracing their lovely stage. Matinee time is perfect if you want to bring the children and introduce them to some eclectic music. Click below for ticket information.
Sun 7/21 McLean VA: Emerson Avenue Salons
I’m excited to be returning to this ‘hybrid’ event–livestreamed, and live with VERY limited seating–and free. I’d love to see you either in person or virtually. Emerson Avenue always presents a quality musical experience; Details for streaming and attending in person below. or contact me directly:
Emerson Avenue Salons
Here’s hoping to see you at a concert!
As always, thanks so much for the support. Say hello at a show!
Friday Oct 6, 5-7 PM: Bozeman Montana, the Zoot Art Gallery
I’m so pleased to be returning to Bozeman MT, and providing the music for artist Victoria Bond’s opening reception for her show at the Zoot Art Gallery. When I look at Victoria’s work I think: Impressionism meets the American West–it’s indeed special. 5-7 PM–come make an evening of art, music and downtown Bozeman. Here’s a link for more info.

Michael’s Tour/Workshop Schedule

Sun 7/2 St. Albans MO: The Inns at St. Albans, 12:30-2:30 PM
“SipINN Sundays” Brunch Series, 12:30-2:30, in the beautiful high bluff country of Missouri.
Inns at St. Albans (
7/10-21 Stephens City VA: PAVAN Guitar Workshop
I’ve been teaching this guitar workshop for the Summer Regional Governor’s School of Virginia for more years than I haven’t. I always look forward to working with these extremely talented students.
Tue 7/11 Capon Springs WV: Capon Springs and Farms, 7:30 PM
I’m returning to one of the most idyllic places I know to play a concert. Click below for more info/directions
Capon Springs and Farms | All-Inclusive West Virginia Mountain Resort
Sat 7/15 Ashburn VA: Minton’s Academy of Music, 4:30 PM
For 25 years Minton’s has been teaching thousands of students on a variety of instruments and styles. I’m so pleased to be gracing their lovely stage. And a bonus: my old friend bassist Robert Friedensen will be my guest artist. Click below for ticket information.
Sun 7/16 Hyattsville MD: Maryland Meadworks, 1:00-3:00 PM
Music and mead. Enough said. Details below.
Sat 7/22 Manassas VA: Private event, 4:30 PM
But I know people….hit me up if you think you might like to come.
Sun 7/23 McLean VA: Emerson Avenue Salons
This is a ‘hybrid’ event–livestreamed, and live with VERY limited seating. I’d love to see you either in person or virtually. Emerson Avenue always presents a quality musical experience; I’m so pleased to be part of their season. Details for streaming and attending in person below.
Here’s hoping to see you at a concert!
Wednesday June 21: Masters of the Shakuhachi, and a premiere of my new composition for Shakuhachi and Guitar with David Kansuke Wheeler
A celebration of the Solstice with the soulful, moving music of the shakuhachi. I’ll be joining these masters from around the world to premiere a new piece for guitar and shakuhachi with David Kansuke Wheeler.

Michael’s April Performance Schedule
Lots of opportunities to come hear my music along Colorado’s Front Range this month, before travels east and west:
Wed. April 5 4:30-6:30: Fort Collins CO Around the World Night at the The Emporium at the Elizabeth Hotel
Sun. April 9 3:00-5:00 Boulder CO Tapas, Sangria, and Music from a world of traditions at Gemini
Wed. April 19 4:30-6:30: Fort Collins CO Around the World Night at the The Emporium at the Elizabeth Hotel
Sun. April 16 3:00-5:00 Boulder CO Tapas, Sangria, and Music from a world of traditions at Gemini
Thu. April 20 4:00-7:00 Longmont CO Front Range Community College presents TAKE BACK THE NIGHT, raising awareness to end sexual violence
I’ll be joined by special guests guitarist Dominick Antonelli and world percussionist Stephen Broth

Take Back the Night first appeared in Europe in 1976 and has continued throughout the world as a sign of empowerment for women, men and children.
Sun. April 23 3:00-5:00 Boulder CO Tapas, Sangria, and Music from a world of traditions at Gemini
Wed. April 26 4:30-6:30: Fort Collins CO Around the World Night at the The Emporium at the Elizabeth Hotel
Sun. April 30 3:00-5:00 Boulder CO Tapas, Sangria, and Music from a world of traditions at Gemini
Wed. Oct 12: The Flatirons Guitar Trio in a special matinee concert at the Lone Tree Arts Center in Lone Tree CO. I hope you can join us.

The Flatirons Guitar Trio: Sean McGowan, Michael DeLalla, Michael Chapdelaine
“Let’s Tango!” September 15-16 in Carbondale CO
What a lovely week working with fabulous musicians and dancers, led by Artistic Director and violinist MinTze Wu, who assembled a wonderful band comprised of Josefina Mendez/vocals, MinTze Wu/violin, Tim Fox/piano, Eric Thorin/bass and Michael DeLalla/guitar. The dancers: Alexandra Jurkunica & Anthony Jurkunica, Dana Ganssle Ellis & Alyson Boell-Marchand, Wojtek Ilowiecki & Laurel Ann Hake, Jeff Irwin & Madian Pilisi, Brian Pawl & Claudia Pawl. Concert video link below–thanks Jem Moore for the stellar videography.

Travels in Portugal: Playing a Kora
Portugal was beautiful, with no shortage profound musical experiences to go with the great food, wine and countryside. Below, I meet a world musician named Onun, who twisted my arm to try his Kora. Click here for some video, and more pics and thoughts from our travels.

VoyageDenver Magazine and Michael talk about guitar, composition, performance, and even curry.
You can read the interview here: Life & Work with Michael DeLalla – VoyageDenver – Denver
Willow Farm presents the “Colorado Guitar Festival“

A celebration of Classical and Flamenco guitar, this year’s artists include Alfredo Muro, Michael DeLalla, Ben Johnson, Steve Mullins, Izzy Fincher, David Tutmark (visiting from Portland Oregon) and Duo Mosaico. Outdoor event (weather permitting, indoor backup) on the scenic grounds of Willow Farm in Hygiene Colorado (just west of Longmont in the lush St. Vrain valley), near Boulder and Lyons. Some seating provided (bringing your own is encouraged), refreshment, flower bouquets, and produce available (organically grown on-site).Regional builders of classical guitars (Wilson Burnham, Chris Conery, and Martin Ters) will be on-site displaying their instruments. Guitars by these and other luthiers will be available for sale.
Where:11898 N. 75th St. Longmont 80503
Ticket prices $20 (thru eventbrite in advance) $15 (seniors and students thru eventbrite in advance). $15 day of the show on-site, $18 seniors and students.
Are you using this Covid-19 time to dive deeper into guitar, composition, and improvisation? I can help!
Now is a great time to be learning new music and new techniques. Lessons and workshops? Contact me for online instruction–I’ve been teaching online for more than a decade.
And check out my score and book offerings. Below, a long-ago (20 years!) performance of my piece ‘Arise’–thank you Ricardo Marlow, for sharing this special memory.
Time to give the gift of music for the holidays

CDs? Books? Scores and tabs? Digital files or hard copy? I have all of the Michael DeLalla things that the guitar enthusiast in your life, including you, needs this holiday season. And as the pic indicates, I can make you a special deal on a boxed set–go to Buy Music what you need, and I’ll put it in a box and send it to you!
Global Flutes, Lutes & Motion
Music and dance from a world of traditions

Merlyn, Michael and David invite you to listen, dance, relax and participate in strengthening our creative community and finding the cultural annd emotional nourishment we all need during these times.
Let’s tend to our strong social connection while maintaining safe social distancing. Here’s a little tease:
Visit for more information.
You’re invited to Michael’s next Online Composition Workshop: Sat. June 27

Here we go again–our first one was so successful that I scheduled another!
You get a great idea–a bit of a melody, a chord progression, a riff. It sounds great, but you’re stuck: what next?
This online composition/songwriting workshop, for guitarists and songwriters alike, is limited to a small group of 6-10 creative participants,. Bring your musical idea–I’ll show you techniques to help you develop it into a finished piece of music. Or, we can start from scratch.
NEW, since you asked for it:
Two 90-min. sessions to choose from.
Pick the session that works best for you:
Saturday June 27
9:00-10:30 AM
1:00-2:30 PM MDT
$35.00 USD, PayPal or Venmo.
Click here for event details.
Join me Sunday 5/31 on KGNU-FM’s “Sunday Live@Five!

Online Composition/Arranging Workshop: Saturday May 23

A little Miles Davis for you. For last summer’s tour, I revisited “Nardis†after a lot of years of not playing it, plugging it into about half the shows. I was going to keep it in rotation for the next tour, which, like musical events worldwide, is cancelled. So this will have to do until live music can happen again. Enjoy.
From my “4 Miniatures for Guitar†set, I wrote this piece for Elaine, evoking the languorous romantic music of Vinicius Cantuaria. Just among us, I think she crushes on him, or at least his silky voice and complex chromatic textures: “Her Secret Crush on Viniciusâ€. Hit me up if you’d like to procure it or the other scores from “Miniaturesâ€. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and whomever you crush on.
Ringing in the New Year right with a couple of concerts in Virginia
I’m looking forward to a New Year’s Eve performance with First Night Winchester. Also, a house concert in Leesburg is being firmed up. Watch this space for more details.
For the Holidays, don’t give ‘stuff’
You know, there are options for holiday gift-giving besides ‘stuff.’
Such as: no stuff.
You know all the reasons—the natural resources required to make, package and transport the ‘stuff.’ Don’t even get me started on Amazon. The ultimate ending is a nothing-but-net jump shot into the landfill.
Why not give a gift of substance, or an experience? Music is both of these things. And look at all the ways you can thoughtfully gift my music:
Music downloads (maybe even a physical CD, for the nostalgists).
The Mindful Guitarist, my book about how I bring my creative process to the guitar, can be given as a digital download as well as hardcopy.
The same for scores of my pieces.
A Gift Certificate for lessons—6 lessons for the price of 5; in person if you are nearby; or via the internet.
Really into giving an experience? How about hosting a private house concert for 25 or so of your anti-stuffy friends. I can tell you how.
Denver: A Winter Solstice Concert

Come celebrate the magic of the Winter Solstice and awaken to the hope of the New Year with Music, Poetry and Celebration, featuring vocalist Marta Burton, guitarist Michael DeLalla, pianist/vocalist Pamela Weng, violinist Anthony Salvo, and percussionist Gregg Wilkins. The details: Saturday December 21, 6:30-8:30 PM Unity on the Avenue 4670 E. 17th Avenue Pkwy, Denver CO Admission: $20 at the door. |
Now, for Left-Hander’s Day:
A piece I wrote for a most venerable left-hander: Chief Niwot, for whom my hometown is named. proclaimed that anyone who saw Boulder Valley’s breath-taking landscape would be cursed with the desire to always return here. And here I am, home again. From my new set of 4 Miniatures for Solo Guitar, this is “Chief-Niwot’s Curse.” I dedicate to left-handers and travelers everywhere.
New videos from Summer 2019 Tour
Here’s a video from my recent East Coast tour. This is “Nana”
Visit my YouTube channel for more.
Home again, after a fabulous tour–thank you, all of you who made it so memorable!
Saturday, July 13, Washington DC

The Church of the Holy City is located at 1611 16th Street, N.W., at the corner of 16th and Corcoran Streets (between R and Q Street, going south).
Google Maps for the surrounding area.
Walking distance street parking can be found along 16th Street, NW and side streets between “O” Street to the south and “T” Street to the north.
Using the link above. Enter 1611 16th Street NW. It shows two, one on 15th & P and the other on P between 16th and 17th Street.
The Metro Stop closest to the Church is Dupont Circle on the Redline, Q Street, North Exit on the Redline. When exiting the escalator, turn right on Q Street and cross Connecticut Avenue. Continue on Q Street until you reach 16th Street. Cross 16th Street and turn left. The church is on your right.

The Flatirons Guitar Trio: three distinct guitar voices, Michael Chapdelaine, Sean McGowan and Michael DeLalla, come together for “Guitar Conversations” to explore the rich and varied musical terrains they’ve traversed in fingerstyle, jazz, classical and world traditions. Join them for this special musical journey.
Doors open at 7pm.
Tickets at Eventbrite
New! Residential Workshop in the Mountains of West Virginia
June 23-27 2019
Come study with Michael for 4 days at beautiful Capon Springs and Farms, Capon Springs WV
Click here for pricing, workshop outline, and travel information. To learn about all that Capon Springs has to offer, visit
To make your reservation at Capon Springs, click here:ÂÂ
Back in Colorado for a while: some upcoming performances:
Friday Sept. 14, Louisville Center for the Arts, Louisville CO, with Alfredo Muro and Felicity Muench
Saturday, Sept. 8, The Slab, Estes Park with fiddler/singer Madailéin nà Mheachair
What a Great Way to End the East Coast Tour
(Note: you can read about the tour at Michael’s Blog )
The final performance from the 2018 PAVAN workshop in Stephens City VA, Benjamin Verdery’s “Scenes from Ellis Island”, performed by the guitar orchestra, with soloists, including Kevin Vigil‘s absolutely beautiful playing. Joining the guitar orchestra are members of the Voice Division, readings by the Theater students and works by the Visual Arts students featured in a slide show that was projected during the piece. Great work, everybody.
Next up on the East Coast Tour: “Strings into Stories” with Andrew McKnight in Leesburg VA
Sat. July 7th, 7:30 pm (doors open at 7 pm)
UU Church of Loudoun, 20460 Gleedsville Road, Leesburg VA
Requested admission donation $20 per person, and a portion of the proceeds will go to Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Click here to learn more about Michael and Andrew’s “Strings into Stories” concerts
Kicking off the East Coast tour with a favorite:
24th Annual Mountville Folk Festival
Saturday 6/23 Bull Run Mountain, Aldie VA
It’s been some years since I’ve visited this lovely gathering. I’ll be taking the stage at 6:15 PM. I’d love to see my DMV friends there.
RSVP REQUIREDÂ MountvilleFolkFestival@comcast.netÂ
Gates open at noon, music starts at 1pm. Camping and late night jams/song circles after Main Stage ends (about 10pm). Pancake breakfast for all campers Sunday morning.
Another Visit to the East Coast Coming Up
Some upcoming shows, more to come. I’ll have details posted in the calendar ASAP:
Sunday June 10: Aspen COÂ Friday June 15: Longmont CO Monday June 18: Denver CO Saturday June 23: Aldie VA, Mountville Festival Saturday July 7: Leesburg VA w/singer-songwriter Andrew McKnight Sunday July 8: Leesburg VA, Loudoun UU Church Sunday July 8: Chantilly VA House concert w/guitarist Candice Mowbray Monday July 10-Thursday July 19: Stephens City VA PAVAN Guitar workshop, w/Dr. Kevin Vigil & Keith Filppu Tuesday July 17: Capon Springs and Farms Friday August 3: Telluride CO
I had the pleasure of composing the score for the trailer of James Anderson’s latest novel, Lullaby Road. Watch the trailer here:Â
Producer’s Desk: tracking Grammy-winning Zydeco singer Terrance Simien, keyboardist Danny Williams for video trailer of “Lullaby Road”

Pictured, left to right: Michael DeLalla, Justin Tockit, Danny Williams, James Anderson, Terrance Simien
It was a lovely visit to storied Dockside Studio in Lafayette, LA, where the likes of BB King, Dr. John, CJ Chenier and countless other legends have put down some truly immortal tracks. Located on a 12 acre estate in the heart of Cajun country on the banks of the Vermilion Bayou, it was where I met up with Terrance, Danny and ace engineer Justin Tockit to finish up recording my score for the video trailer of “Lullaby Road.” This beautiful novel by James Anderson practically wrote the music for me, with its setting in the Utah desert I visit frequently, and its cast of rich characters. It’s been a pleasure bringing this project to life. I’ll be posting more as we approach completion.
The ‘Ampersand Tour’ shaping up for summer 2017, from The Carolinas to Canada
The “Ampersand Tour’ is aptly named, as I’ll be sharing stages with some special people. Kicking it off is a concert with my old friends The Unfortunate Rakes, a ‘conversations with guitars’ with Canadian fingerstylist Bob Adern, a guitar summit with Canadians McKinley Leonard-Scott, Tim Pence and Bob Adern…and more surprises to come. Stay tuned for updates.
Scores and Sheet Music now available as downloadable .pdf’s.
I’m so pleased with the success of my book The Mindful Guitarist, but in my travels and during lessons and workshops I also get a lot of requests for scores and sheet music of my compositions and arrangements. Just in time for the holidays, I’ve begun making some of the more popular ones available as .pdf’s for you to purchase, download and print. Each score also comes with an MP3 of the piece for that oh-so-helpful aural reference. And from now through Dec.21, if you purchase either The Mindful Guitarist or three .pdf scores, I’ll send you for free a copy of my Christmas/Solstice/Winter Holiday CD “There is One Story and One Story Only.”
Click here to see excerpts and purchase scores.
Coming soon: I’ll be adding some of my pieces for guitar and other instruments, in full score and parts, including oboe, flute, violin, saxophone (soprano, alto, tenor), English horn, clarinet, cello, bass. Need a custom part? No problem; just ask.
Home Again…Off Again…Home Once More
After returning from a month of touring, I was gone for 10 days in September for Florida to produce dulcimist Marcille Wallis’ latest recording, with her full band. I’ve lost count, but Marcille and I have worked together now on a lot of music over the years. I’m finishing up the mixes and mastering. I’m looking forward to it, as I know she and the band is.
I’m also looking forwtard to keeping it local to Colorado for a little while–that was a lot of miles this summer! Click here for a little guided tour of the tour.
Meanwhile, shows coming up, with details to follow:
Oct. 26: Guitarists in the Round, Front Range Community College, Westminster Campus. Guitarists from across the stylistic spectrum in one evening.
Dec.2 and 4: A Celebration of Colorado Composers, Denver (I’m so excited to be part of this concert of Colorado composeers. My special guest will be longtime collaborator Craig Matovich on oboe/English horn–details coming)
In July, on the east coast. Concerts and workshop schedule:
July 5-15: PAVAN Guitar workshop, Summer Regional Governor’s School, Stephens City VA
July 5: Capon Springs and Farm: Music on the Front Porch, 7:30 PM
July 9: Michael DeLalla & Andrew McKnight: A Global Journey of Songs & Strings
Unitarian Universalist Church of Loudoun, doors open at 7:30 pm
20460 Gleedsville Rd Leesburg VA
July 10: Michael Delalla solo concert at The Washington County Free Library, Hagerstown MD, 3:00 PM
100 S. Potomac Street, Hagerstown MD
In Concert, Friday June 3
Michele Castro and Michael DeLalla
Concordando: Brazil comes to the Grange
10.00 in advance/12.00 at the door
Children under 12 free
To purchase tickets, click here.
Happy Spring from Michael DeLalla!
 2016 promises to be filled with lots of good music and travels. The performance schedule is progressing, with solo guitar shows, concerts with Ensemble Duende, a Colorado tour with The Unfortunate Rakes (March) and a solo east coast tour in June/July. Stay tuned for calendar updates.
The Unfortunate Rakes’ Rockies Tour in March
For 35 years Chas. Fowler (pipes/whistles), Bruce Wilkin (fiddle/banjo/bazouki) and Michael DeLalla (guitars/vocals/bodhran) have been performing the music found throughout the Celtic world. Their three recordings, including the live concert CD “Rakes  Alive!” features music drawn from the traditions of Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, Shetland Islands, Canada and the US. This tour includes shows in Ft. Collins, Boulder, Longmont, Westminster, Denver and Cheyenne WY. Don’t miss them! Here’s a quick look at the schedule; for details click on individual shows listed under Events to the right. And here’s a little video tease from “Rakes Alive!”
Tue 3/8 Westminster CO FRCC/Westminster Campus, 1:00 PM
Tue 3/8 Boulder CO (and the world
–stream it!)Â KGNU FM 88.5 “Cabaret” live radio broadcast, 7:00-8:00 PM MST
Wed 3/9 Cheyenne WY Laramie County Library, 6:30 PM
Thu 3/10 Longmont CO FRCC/Boulder Co. Campus, 12:30 PM
Fri 3/11 Fort Collins COÂ Poudre River Public Library (Harmony branch), 7:00 PM
Sat 3/12 Denver COÂ Episcopal Church of St. Peter and St. Mary, 7:00 PM
Ensemble Duende: A Musical Celebration of the Winter Solstice
Guitarist/Composer Michael DeLalla with Deborah Schmit-Lobis (piano), Craig Matovich (oboe/English horn/flute) & Phil Norman (cello)
with special guest fiddler Jessie Burns (formerly of Gaelic Storm) and singer Kini Christie
Ensemble Duende
“The duende, then, is a power, not a work. It is a struggle, not a thought. I have heard an old maestro of the guitar say, ‘The duende is not in the throat; the duende climbs up inside you, from the soles of the feet.’†– Federico Garcia Lorca
Duende is the spirit of evocation. It’s what brings forth a physical or emotional response to art, the chill down the spine, the irrepressible sigh, smile or tear when experiencing an expressive artistic performance.
With Ensemble Duende, it’s the very essence of their music, whether drawn from their classical training or the varied traditions found in the music of other cultures, or their intuitive improvisations. It’s a soul-sharing, a most intimate connection between the performers and their audience.
Compositions, arrangements and improvisations from this stellar line-up
Michael’s Summer 2015Â Tour Schedule
It’s that time of year when I head to the east coast, a nice mix of concerts, workshops and a few private lessons (I have room for a few more, so hit me up if I’m coming through your town). This year, I’ll have my new book “The Mindful Guitarist” on the sales table. I’m also looking forward to sharing some stage time with some special friends, notably fiddler Carrie Bartsch and singer-songwriter Andrew McKnight.
As usual, I’ll be writing about the tour in ‘Michael’s Blog’, so tune in when you can. You can also read it on Facebook.
Remember when it comes to schedules, things happen…always check with a venue, or drop me a note. Here’s hoping to see you at a show.
See Calendar at right for ticket/reservations/directions for specific shows, or click on links
Friday June 26, Rapid City SD: Hay Camp Brewing Co. with Carrie Bartsch
Sunday June 28, Custer SD: private event, with Carrie Bartsch
Monday July 6-Friday July 17, Stephens City VA: SRGS/PAVAN Guitar workshop
Tuesday July 7, Capon Springs WV Capon Springs Hotel and Farms
Saturday July 11, Philomont VA: Redwood Run House Concert with Andrew McKnight
Sunday July 12, Washington DC The Corner Store
My New Book: The Mindful Guitarist
The Mindful Guitarist will cause you to rethink so many things you thought you knew about music. It’s not just a method book for classical and fingerstyle guitarists, but a profound look at Creative Process. Visit the Buy Music page to order your copy. Available in book form and all of the major ebook platforms.
2014 touring: “A Fingerstyle Guitar Journey” in the Pacific Northwest, East Coast
[travelroute height=”200″ width=”480″]
A great trip to the Northwest, including some mid-tour R & R on the San Juan Islands, then back home to Colorado for a cup of coffee and a load of laundry before packing and leaving for the east coast tour. What a fabulous trip it’s been–be sure to read “Michael’s Blog” for more fun and insights. Now, time to finish the book, then hit the road again…Thanks to all of you who make it out to the shows and buy the music–your support and friendship has my undying gratitude.
2014 Pacific Northwest Tour Dates
Wed June 4Â Â Â Portland OR: The Historic Old Church
Thu June 5Â Â Â Lincoln City OR: Lincoln City Cultural Center
Sat June 7Â Â Â Seattle WA: WORKSHOP: NOT for Guitarists Only: Improvisation as Spontaneous Composition, Â Dusty Strings Music Store & Â School
Sat June 7Â Â Â Marysville WA: Evergreen Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Thu June 12Â Â Enterprise OR: Wallowa Valley Music Alliance Courthouse Concert Series
Fri June 13   Sandpoint ID: Pend d’Oreille Winery
Sat June 14  Worley ID (near Coeur d’Alene Lake): Sun Meadow Resort
Then home for a cup of coffee, and off to the east coast:
Sun June 29 Rockville MD: Glenview Mansion Concert Series
Mon June 30-Fri July 11 Stephens City VA: PAVAN/SRGS Guitar workshop
Tue July 1: Capon Springs WV: Capon Springs Farms and Hotel
Sun July 13: Winchester VA: Reunion concert with The Unfortunate Rakes
Music for St. Patrick’s at Boulder Beer
Fiddler extraordinaire Deb Switzer joins me for an afternoon of jigs, reels, hornpipes and songs from Ireland (and all the Celtic lands).
In 2014: Spring Tour to the Northwest, Summer Tour to the East Coast
It’s been a few years since I’ve been to the Northwest but I’ll be making concert stops in Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington (hoping to also land a Vancouver BC show). Also on the schedule is a pair of workshops at Dusty Strings in Seattle. Then I come home, unpack, do some laundry and head off for an East Coast tour.  Stay tuned for updates and more details–of the shows and workshops, not the laundry.
It’s here: EC’s must listens for 2013
Every year EC culls from the wealth of music she encounters for airplay on her KGNU-FM radio shows “Musica Mundi,” “The Heavy Set” and “Sound Lab.” You’ll find plenty to add to your iPod. Read about the artists and follow links to their music on EC’s Blog.
Summer tour “A Fingerstyle Guitar Journey” concludes with shows in Maine, New York City, Virginia, Michigan
Seven weeks. 8047 miles. Incalculable memories.
I’m back in Colorado after a great summer tour. If you missed my ongoing blog you can still check it out here, at Michael’s Blog—so many good stories! Photos and video coming soon.
After a little time to get re-acclimated to the Front Range I’m back to work on filling the calendar with shows and workshops. I’m way overdue to revisit the West Coast and Northwest—any ideas or offers to host a concert are welcome. I’m also hoping to get to do some shows in the Southern states in the coming year. And finally, I need to schedule some shows right here in Colorado. I’ll keep you posted here on the website.
Documentary “Seeking Wellness†premieres Monday September 23 in Longmont CO—featuring Michael’s Music
“Seeking Wellnessâ€, a new film about holistic medicine by Colorado native Rich Lukon, premieres Monday September 23, 6:00 PM at the Longmont Senior Center. Lukon will host a discussion about his work after the showing. I will be at the premiere, as will those featured in the film. More details to come.
Michael DeLalla’s new CD: “This is How I Disappear” is getting nice press! 
“…a sublime and uniquely crafted sonic landscape…DeLalla creates a sonic vibrancy on this CD that is rich, remarkable and revelatory.â€Â                  ©James Filkins/
Click here and scroll down for the complete review.
“The musicianship on this album is excellent…[DeLalla] has blended different styles from around the world to create a great artistic atmosphere…â€Â      Greg Bennett/Victory Music
Click here for the complete review.                           Â
Autumn finds guitarist/composer Michael DeLalla back in Colorado after a summer tour in the mid-Atlantic. Performances were in a variety of settings: solo concerts to celebrate his new release This Is How I Disappear, a show with his longtime partners in Celtic music The Unfortunate Rakes, a concert with National Autoharp Champion Bonnie Phipps, and a two-week guitar workshop. Check back frequently for newly added shows.
Michael DeLalla: Home again, keeping it local for a (little) while
Six weeks. 8711 miles. I don’t think I’ve ever played a more gratifying tour–great venues that let the music sparkle, great audiences to soak it up. I can’t thank enough the wonderful radio and press along the way. And all the extras: plenty of sightings of old friends, lots of new friends, great regional food (I love this part of the job!), plenty of opportunity to soak up the varied cultures that comprise us. Thank you.
Back in Colorado now, with a slate of shows close to home–a great opportunity to connect with my Front Range friends. Check the Events sidebar for updates and more details.
Info: Dan & Diane’s Concerts